When it comes to candles, there is no shortage of options. We know that. And so first I want to thank you for checking us out and giving us a try! Black Tie Barn was started for many different reasons, partially by accident but built with purpose; bringing together the traditionally rustic nature of candles with a modern, elegant touch... Black Tie Barn

Behind The Brand
My name is Wade and I am the founder of Black Tie Barn. At this stage I do most of the grunt work myself. While I currently do the blending, pouring, recipes, etc... there is never a shortage of help with other aspects such as labeling, packaging, shipping, etc.

Why Candles?
It started years ago as I have always been one for home-made crafts and products. I cant remember exactly what made me so interested in candles other than I love the varieties, the scents, the colors, and so on. But what got me into making candles to begin with was, well... sort of an accident.
You can learn more about that here if you want:

Products. Purpose. Passion.
We want to make a product we are proud of and that customers are proud of too. Better quality, better burn, better options... all at a fair, reasonable, and competitive price.
Besides, who doesn’t love to support small businesses run by the same people who have a stake in its success and have personal involvement daily.

We use premium ingredients from our waxes, to our fragrance oils, vessels and wicks. We maintain the integrity of our raw materials to keep our products top notch.

We focus on quality through testing and precision. And offer multiple collections and variations to suit different interests and styles.

We have a passion for what we do. So much so, that we dedicated much of our time to helping other candle makers and businesses. No seriously... you can check that out here: https://youtube.com/@blacktiebarn